
Our team has extensive experience in identifying under-performing properties that have long-term potential. We utilize all the components of our in-house expertise and our structured process to identify opportunities.
Our approach starts with identifying markets that have long-term sustainability and focusing on trade areas that may have under-performing properties. We use our expertise to evaluate the trade areas to determine traffic patterns and market rents as well as unmet needs in the market which would provide opportunities for our new tenants, their customers, and our investors.
Once a property has been identified, we perform feasibility studies to examine a property's potential cash flow and operating expenses to help ensure a property meets its long-term potential value.
Our team develops the right strategy for each property, which may include capital improvements, expansion or reconfiguration - our team performs all the analysis, value engineering and construction oversight.
RL West is focused on providing the best long-term opportunities for our clients, their customers, and our investors.
For more information about RL West's Re-Development Services, please contact Brian Long or Mark Lockman.